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Why Your Melbourne Small Business Needs A Website

41% of consumers say website quality is the most important factor in their decision to buy.

If your website doesn't look professional or features lackluster content, you could be losing customers. It's not enough to put up a website and hope that people will find out about you. Your website needs to be engaging and stand out from the crowd. A website is no longer just a website: it's one of your best marketing tools. Whether you're trying to sell products and services, promote an event, or build brand awareness, a good website can make all the difference.

The website for credit card company; American Express; contains clear calls-to-action (CTAs) such as 'Apply Now' and 'Check your eligibility.'

When trying to attract customers, website design Croydon focuses on website content and design. But website development is not only about these two components. For small businesses, website development is even more complicated due to budget constraints, resources, or a general lack of knowledge about the process. Most small business owners are also too busy with the day-to-day operations of their company to build a website themselves.

What makes a website? A website consists of four key elements:

A website's design is all about how it looks, but it's more than just aesthetics - design is actually an integral part of search engine optimization (SEO). Your website needs to be visually appealing so that people will want to keep reading your content. It also needs to be designed in a way that search engines can easily pick up on keywords and understand what your website is about.

A website's content is the text, images, and videos displayed on it. Content should be engaging, informative, and easy to read. Search engines use website content as a deciding factor when ranking websites: they like to see relevant keywords sprinkled throughout each page or blog post.

What makes a website good? A high-quality website has a fast loading time, easy navigation, and original content created for your website's visitors (and not plagiarized from other websites).

Lastly, but most importantly; all of these components need to work together seamlessly so that users don't feel overwhelmed or confused while navigating through your website. To help your website achieve this, website development incorporates best practices for website design and guidelines to follow that can be hard to understand for small business owners without a background in website development.

So where do Melbourne small businesses start looking for website help? They can contact Website Design Croydon for a free quote.

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